giovedì 5 marzo 2015

"Spaceborne Marines - MENACE" Announcement: English version in progress!

Dear English speaking readers,

The Genesis Publishing, the publishing house that cared about my Sci Fi book "Spaceborne Marines - MENACE", has just authorized me to announce they're working on a English translation of the book.

"MENACE"  has been written keeping in mind English speaking audience, where Sci Fi is more advanced and readers are more receptive for this kind of literature, unfairly reputed in Italy a "lesser kind of literature"  or "literature for nerds".

"MENACE" follows the path of Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, but also for it's military caracter it has been inspired by reading Tom Clancy as weel as war reportages of ancient and modern wars.

It seems I am commiting the sin of immodesty comparing myself to such well-known and appreciated authors, but I never forget, not even for a single instant, that they're the masters, and I am only a learner, a disciple, a devote follower.

I'll keep you updated about future developments.

Stay tuned and keep in touch.

Paul James Horten

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