lunedì 11 dicembre 2017

Farewell to Facebook

The picture above sums up pretty well a decision I took, after I discovered some unpleasant truths about the social founded by Mark Zuckenberg. You can find the motivation about why I did it reading the rest of this post. This doesn't mean that we're going not to be in touch anymore...

If you read my biographic notes you can find my military past and my present job reality.

Currently I work in the field of Information Technology

And I am an Internet user almost since the beginning.

Internet ensured to people something that in the past had been always denied before: the access to every bit of information on the globe. And it allowed the diffusion of the knowledge without the usual government control.

If a government of a influent person wants to tell us lies, through Internet not only is possible to find informations that tells that countraddicts the official version (and it's a good make a cross-checking... it takes only time and good-common sense, but is perfectly feasibile) but also it's possibile to make visible our own contents to argument against powerful organizations, both governative or private ones.

Unfortunately Facebook is one of this powerful organizations that, differently from other platforms, does not ensure freedom of expression, meaning with this definitions the fact that it is heavily using censorships deleting post perfectly compliant with the so called "Community Standards" but that for ANY reason (even fake ones) are not welcomed.

I could explain in detail how Facebook acts. And if you want, on your explicit request, I'll do it.

For the moment it's enough for you to know that my Facebook page will NOT be anymore updated by me, nor I'll answer anymore on Facebook to my beloved readers.

It has been a painful decision to me, because I'll loose contacts with some of you.

I do care to you all, my readers!

For me you're a source of motivation and inspiration to do more and better.

Unfortunately, from a ethic point of view, my permanence on Facebook has become unbearable: I don't want anymore to use a platform that operates of an unjustified censorship, Orwellian style, a way of living and communicating.

So, has everything been lost?

Absolutely NOT!
Because this blog will be even more cured and richer than ever.

Because you can keep in touch with me in many different ways:

- through email
- commenting my posts
- using Google+

Put the Url of this blog among your preferites bookmarks.
Subscribe news updates, so you can find them in your email.

The fact that I am not anymore on Facebook doesn't necessarily mean that won't be anymore in touch. It depends also on YOU.

I'll be always available for YOU. ALWAYS.

And you will be always welcomed!

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