giovedì 23 febbraio 2017

Paul J. Horten in English

Looking stats on this blog dedicated to my books, I see that many contacts came from English speaking countries.

My intention is to start to translate my books in English for a wider audience.

Sci-Fi is a neglected and niche market literature in Italy, because is considered for adolescent and nerd, while in anglo-saxon countries is a kind of literature with full dignity.

It's something coming from Italian academic establishment.

And it's absurd: the travel of Jason or the Hercules mythological adventures are held in high regard by everyone, academic people included, but geniuses like Heinlein, Philip Dick or Edmund Cooper (just to mention the first ones that came to my mind) are regarded almost with contempt.

Sci-Fi has a wide market in English language, and anglo-saxon countries are people of strong readers, while Italians have problems even reading in Italian.

I am lucky, because I found a group of aficionados that is following my sci-fi military saga first with incredible passion (surprisingly most of my readers are WOMEN despite detailed description of combat scenes...) and now they are following the spin-off where I merged, as normally I use to do in my books, different genres.

MCCIB Investigations, in fact, is a spin-off from Spaceborne Marines, the space opera divided in a trilogy, and is mixing sci-fi, detective story and action novels all in one.

Basically each book follows a fil rouge (the futuristic enviroment where action is set, characters, background from the military saga) so you can see the evolution of the characters and their personal storyline, but can be read as a stand alone episode.

A criminal case is narrated and solved within the same book.

What is the MCCIB?

It's a military investigaton authority, born first to prosecute crimes related to the Spaceborne Marine Corps (UFMC or United Federation Marine Corps).
His jurisdiction are the 60 planetary systems composing the United Federation of Earth
Immediately after its birth, the high efficency persuaded the World Emergency Council, the governing body of the Federation, to extend MCCIB field of competence to all the criminal investigations about all the Federal armed forces: Marines and Starfleet.

The HQ is based New York, occupying three floors of the former United Nation Building, but when the MCCIB follows a case its detectives can travel and investigate on any planet of the Federation.

Sema Harna and her investigative squad

Sema Harna is a female Alien coming from Moras, one of the Federation planets, where logic is used to win against emotions. Pale blue skin, violet-black hair, volitive and and strong, she's struggling all the time with her inner world of emotions that only her culture based on logic can keep in order.
Former Special Assistant of the MCCIB Director for Interstellar Affairs, after the Urdas war, that devastated the Federation, was pushed into her first real field investigation on a real case, a difficult one, (DOUBLE TRUTH): the billionaire Herbert Hillman has vanished from his villa-fortress in the texan desert with his son and some other VIP in misterious circumstances.
The case ended with the discovery of Pandora, a secret Database were Hillman recorded all his illegal affairs, including some related to the supply of defective equipment to the military and the attempts to kill a Marine officer (Dexter Dax) known as The Legend.
The success (very ambiguos, since Hilman will never be found and there is the suspect that Dax could be involved in some way in a sort of personal revenge) of Pandora projects Sema Harna in the detective gotha inside the MCCIB and all the most difficult cases are given to her to find solution.

In the second episode (THE GOLDEN PATH) six month later, there is a clear example of how a simple homicide, with an apparently simple solution, turns out to be a case of federal security. Sema is promoted to a superior rank by the new MCCIB Directory, Harvey Bennett, but is also confined to  a Field Investigation job with few chance of career, since her job as Director Assistant has been taken by a woman, Peggy Anderson, a Harvey Bennett protegè.
The Morassian had to build her own investigative squad and she choose other three MCCIB operators with a strange story, nicknamed by Bennett himself natural born losers.
Alexi Nikonov, a Russian with a impetuos character and a former Marine, Ura Idryx, a Darian female alien just diplomated agent in Quantico and the ambiguos Elassian alien Grete Rinore, that shift every two monts from male to female, will be involved in a breathtaking story to avoid that vital Federation technologies could be stolen outside Earth.

Does it thrills you enough?

I hope so.

Soon there will be the first episode available in English on

If you want to know more, or contact me personally in English language:

here is my Facebook Author's Page
here is my Twitter Page
here is my email:

Let me know what you think
Let me know what you want to read

And keep tuned on this blog...

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