martedì 2 maggio 2017

Unpublished: LV426


Yesterday I was watching tv and there was a cult movie: "Aliens". This is a little tribute I wrote while watching Sigourney Weaver defeating hordes of xenomorphs... enjoy!

“What a shitty planet…”
 “There are plenty of precious minerals. Uranium, titanium, highly pure iron ore, copper, nickel… Name one and there is ten fold times the quantity you can find on Earth.”
“What’s the need to build a fuckin’ terraforming plant for extracting? We could build domes over extraction sites and amen.”
“Agronomists said that the soil has not been exploited for million of years. It will be extremely fertile once we will reactivate bacterial flora.”
“Oh well… it remains a shitty one. It’s two days that I am here and there is such a violent storm that when I go out from the quarters I have to use safety cables, otherwise you’ll find my body crushed on the shelter external  bulkheads.”
“This is due to terraforming. We shaked the tree a little… “
“Which tree? Thanks God atmosphere is breathable! What’s the name of this stone?”
«Ah ah ah! Everytime I say it, everybody does the same face!”
“If you’re joking it isn't fuckin’ funny at all…”
«Really, that’s the name. Like the planet in the movie… The one with xenomorphs using humans as incubators.”
“Didn’t you give it a real name?”
“No. Why? The company will do it. And it’s not Weyland-Yutani. That’s a fictional company name. We depend on Federation.”
“You almost gave me a heartattack! No presence of archeological sites? No visitors before us?”
“It’s only a fuckin’ coincidence!”
 “I don’t feel so sure anyway. Some names bring bad luck.”
“Ah ah ah! You’re a superstitious idiot! You watched too many sci-fi movies, bud!”
“Oh well, maybe you’re right.”
“Listen, I am the security supervisor here. We discovered a site nearby a cavern one week ago. Site 3 is the only one able to host the famous Alien eggs: a deep beautiful well with a natural ramp. Full of titanium and bauxite ore. We are digging the well and everything is going really fine. Statospheric productivity. If there had been something we should already found it, don’t you think?”
“Oh, yeah… sure…”
“You don’t look persuaded.”
“Sure I am! Well, my shift is about to begin in minutes. I’m a lucky guy, the company sent me to Site 3. Fuck…”
“What’s the problem, man? Go! Christ you’re such a idiot…”
Radio croaked in that moment and the security supervisor answered.
“Security, I’m listening, over.”
“Boss, we lost contacts with Site 3! Over.”
“With this weather the wind could have teared off the antenna. It’s already happened twice past week. Over.”
“Negative. We’re still receiving the sync signal. Antenna is okay. Over.”
“Send someone to check, then, should I tell you everything? I am not goin’ to change also your diapers! Over.”
“Already done, boss. We lost also contacts with the other guys we sent.”
The worker has stood in silence listening to the whole conversation.
Then shaked his head and muttered.
“Assholes. LV426. How could you even think about it? Some names bring bad luck.”
“Shut up! Luck has nothing to do with this!”
Then he kept going on talking with the security team by radio.
“Tom? Tom? Security? Is anybody there or you…”
“Yes, yes, we’re here. What are we goin’ to do, boss?”
“I’m on my way. We should plan a rescue to Site 3. It’s only ten kilometers far. Something silly happened for sure. Site 3 guys had always messed up things.”
Then he turned to the worker.
“Are you coming with us? We’re going to take a look.”
The other shaked his head.
“No way I’m coming, even with a gun pointed at my head. You stupid motherfuckers can go to be kicked in the ass by three meters tall things with acid in place of blood! I’ll take the first shuttle to the space station!”
“Ah ah ah ah ! You’re such a dumbass! You’re going to pay a fine for breaking the contract!”
The worker was pale in the face like a corpse and the security supervisor realized that there was no way to make him to move.
“Okay, man. You stay here. I go with the rescue team. If everything is fine you’re coming with the rest of the extraction team. Anyway will be my care that the delay will be deducted from your salary.”
“Deduct whatever you want. I’m not going to remain here.”
He grabbed his bag and headed to the shuttle terminal.
One hour later he was on the space station orbiting around the planet, where merchant spaceship were docked.
He saw a merchant officer running in his direction, pale as he was while on the planet surface.
“What’s going on, officer?”
“I’m in a hurry, sir, sorry” the officer unpolitely answered.
The worker grabbed him by the jacket and banged him against the wall.
 “Now you’re going to tell me what the fuck is goin on… I coming from the planet surface!”
The officer looked at him like he was really seeing him for the very first time.
“Surface? Surface? Oh Christ…” babbled.
The worker let go the officer jacket and with blatant gesture he adjusted it.
“Landing station one, I was heading to Extraction Site 3. I was talking with the security supervisor when we lost contacts with Site 3.”
The officer moaned.
“It’s not the Site 3 only. We lost the contacts with the whole Colony on LV426!”
He run away, breathless, as he finished to talk.
The worker shaked his head, again.
“I told them that some names bring bad luck…”

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