martedì 9 gennaio 2018

ANNOUNCEMENT: Next book will be dedicated to Vietnam War

I am in the final stage of the draft and I literally fell in love with this project.

It has been written by pure chance, being the results of conversations I had with a friend of mine about the meaning of the word giving in human relationships.

How to focus at its best on this word, with such a dense and sometimes ambiguous meaning, if not using a extreme and challenging context such as a war?

"Day after Day - A Vietnam war tale of spiritual survival" it isn't a classical war novel.

Here the war is on the background, even if from time to time it strongly appears on the scene devastating, as usual, relationships and human life and showing the best and the worst of everyone.

Here you are the synopsis:

Arlington 2017: Sharon Jones, a seventy years old woman, sits on a bench and looks at the Vietnam Women's Memorial monument. That sight means a lot to Sharon, it brings her to remember many things. Because she has been one of those "Angels from a Chopper" saving human lives. Sharon Jones's memories brings us to the 1967 summer. And they offer a particular point of view of the story: the one of an volunteer army nurse that heal devastated soldiers bodies while she's trying to keep alive her young spirit. In the frame of a bloody, absurd, cruel conflict, the Vietnam War in the years that marked a turning point, Sharon finds day after day her way. And she succeeds in directing succesfully her life, despite traumas and the changing fortunes of her personal matters. A little epopea that, at the ends, bring us again to our days.

It will take still few time before the ebook will be available on the usual platforms. But I think it worth waiting.

In the meanwhile you can find essays of the draft and have your own opinion about it.

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