sabato 4 marzo 2017

Introduction to "MCCIB Investigations"

Within this year the first episode of  The MCCIB Investigations will be published in English language on
This book series was born as spin off of Spaceborne Marines saga, mainly because I wanted to explore the literature branch known as detective story.
Not exactely thriller nor noir since I use to mix various genres toghether: sci-fi, action novel, romance, military and forensic investigation.
Each book is a stand alone episode, and the link between each of them are the characters timelines or possible cliffhangers I introduce. The rule is that, anyway, the investigation is open and closed within the same book.
The main problem in proposing to a new audience The MCCIB Investigations as a stand alone series living its own life is to explain the universe where caracters are acting. That's why at the beginning of each book there is an introduction.
And that's what I am going to submit to your attention.


The United Federation of Humanoid Planets was born three years ago, but the path to its constitution is one thousand years old, when Mankind realized that the indiscriminate abuse of Earth resources was making to die the planet .

The path was to look for new solutions and expand in the space, colonizing other solar systems. In this way, in the wake of the impending emergency situation, the Earth Federation was born.

New technologies were discovered, such as Faster Than Light travels, or FTL, and new energy sources, based on a new unknown mineral called CLT-5.

During the course of almost one thousand years the Federation expanded on over sixty systems, in part uninhabited and in part with indigenous population, conquering and colonizing them.

The Colonies allowed to balance demographic factors, thanks to controlled emigration made with scientific criteria on new planets , and to import on Earth all the missing resources.

The Federal Armed Forces, about forty years ago, were improved with the creation of more effective military tools, like the Spaceborne Marines Corps (UFMC).

Policies, however, were left unaltered: colonizing and taking advantage without harming the ecosystems of the conquered planets and, possibly, integrating the subdued populations.

The humanoid species started to enlist both in the armed forces and to contribute at all levels to general welfare.

The thrust on integration was increased three and half years ago.

The Earth Federation encountered a new race able, like the Earthlings, to travel across interstellar space. Unfortunately it was a hostile species with a biology uncompatible with those ones in that sector of the Galaxy: the Urdas.

A long and bloody war followed, causing billions of victims. But the conflict was an opportunity to further unite the species under Earth domination. In the desperate effort to defeat the Urdas, the Federation changed the political status of the Colonies, giving equal dignity to all the sixty planets composing it, and changing its denomination into the current one:  United Federation of Humanoid Planets.

The war was barely won and the in chaos of the aftermath strange things started to happen.

Order had to be restored. And the presence of a new race,  the Namerians,  Federation allies during the war against the Urdas, aroused doubts and perplexities, especially among the Earthlings.

In this context, the action of the Marine Corps investigative agency, the Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Bureau or MCCIB, was vital.  Agents were recruited from all the Federation and the range of competence on crimes connected to the Marines or the Starfleet, compared to the pre-war period, was extended and reinforced .

After the nuclear bombing of Detroit, during the Urdas attempt to invade Earth, the MCCIB was beheaded: the MCCIB Director and all the senior management staff died. The FEXEC (Federal EXEcutive Council), the institution that is governing the whole Federation, had to rebuild the command structure from scratch.

For this purpose a Senior Special Agent that specially distinguished himself was nominated Director: Allen Stewart. The first investigation under the new management, entrusted to a young and capable alien woman, Special Agent Sema Harna from Moras, uncovered Pandora, one of the greatest corruption scandals ever happened in the Federation.

The Bureau gained again new prestige and efficiency, but new crimes are always lurking in the dark.

Humanoids working in the MCCIB are relentlessly investigating to achieve truth and justice, for the good of everyone.

Any feedback will be highly appreciated.

You can contact me through:

my facebook page
my twitter profile

Thank you

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